World Record
Spuni was shown at Landsmót 2011 at Vindheimamelar. Spuni was then 5 years old and set a world record with his score of 8.92 at Landsmót. His riding abilities score was 9.25 which no five year old horse has come close to beat. His total in FIZO corrected for age is 9.17.
He was the highest judged five year old stallion, winning the Feldman-statue as well as the FEIF-trophy given for the highest scoring breeding horse overall at Landsmót.
Spuni was shown by Þórður Þorgeirsson and they were awarded by the horse breeders association for there show at Landsmót.
“For my parts the best Icelandic horse that has ever been born. Spuni is born a winner and has proved that he is the best. I have ridden thousands of horses and many exceptional but I have never ridden a horse like him before and probably will never again. This feeling he left, I can’t describe it. He is just out of this world.”
– Þórður Þorgeirsson
in a interview in Eiðfaxi